Planet Check films its pilot at solar-powered studio, Rarefied. Host & Founder, Mo Mellady, introduces co-host, Dr. Matt Forrest: PhD from Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
Guests include: Virus Hunter from Africa–Dr. John Mokili and Dr. Forest Rowher. These 2 prominent scientists will dispel the myths and confirm that COVID-19 is a zoonotic disease. They’ll also educate us about Metagenomics and future perspectives in virus discovery.
Orange County’s Animal Trapper, Brian Gephart, will share his first-hand experience that humans are definitely encroaching on animals’ natural habitat. Plus, Groundswell Surf Sister, Kelsey Ellis, discusses the healing power of the ocean/Blue Mind. Climate Pundit, Betsy Rosenberg, reports on the latest dire IPCC report (Code Red 4 Humanity). Our SPIRIT guest from Rishikesh, India—the revered author of the new book, “Hollywood to the Himalayas”–Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati.